P3 & 4
Term 2 is just around the corner and has lots of learning opportunities for P.3 and 4
-World Around Us
We will continue looking at the delicious topic of chocolate and then step back in time with World War 2.
Accelerated Reading will continue and we will be studying doing words and thinking about picking the best verb in our independent writing. Explanations and instructions will be our focus for writing.
Topics this term include 3-dshape, money and fractions. P.4 are learning their multiplication tables off by heart and are starting the new concept of division.
-Art and P.E.
P.4 will have extra Art, related to topic work, each Monday with Miss Bleakley.
P.4 need a recorder as they will have music on a Thursday.
P.E. Days are Tuesday and Friday.
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Ballytrea Primary School, 52 Gortnaskea Rd, Stewartstown, Dungannon BT71 5NY Phone:028 8773 8619